We're home!!!
After 9 months of travel, we're finally back home again. What an adventure it has been! So many memories, so many experiences, so much we have learned. And despite not making it for the entire year, we still passed the Final Test and have come home engaged.
We spent two days in East Grinstead with Nicole's aunt and our last day in London. Unfortunately Catrina and Ryan were on vacation in France, but we made a point of seeing Nicola and her kids again and we had a nice last night out with James, Nana and Chris, and James' friend Peter (who we went out with in Brighton). Ben (ex-Dexit coworker of Jason's) came up from Winchester and Mike (ex-GRSP friend of Jason's) came in from Kingston which was quite nice too. Chris graciously bought a couple of bottles of champagne in celebration of the engagement and we all had a great time. We visited a second pub when the first closed, we stayed out till 1:30 and then continued to chat at home and have fun until 2:30 or so.
Four hours of sleep later, we got up, finished packing, and made our way to the airport. Our flight to New York was pretty much on time but unfortunately, there were several thunder storms in the northeastern US and our American Eagle flight was first delayed for 2 hours. After boarding we then sat on the tarmac for a further 2 hours before taking off. The storms finally passed and we got into Toronto by 10:30. Jason's parents, Lauren and her friend Jason were there to meet us and we got some Burger King on the way home.
We're happy to be home and we're going to enjoy a good 2 weeks with family before venturing out to see the rest of our friends. Thank you to everyone that has been with us along our journey via this web site. Your comments and emails were always appreciated, keeping our hearts in Canada. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Ciao!
Pics: London | Toronto