Between Beijing and Xi'an
Our journey since Beijing has been both enjoyable and trying. There are amazing things to see and do in China but there are always hassles that test our patience. We spent three nights in Tianjin, our plan had been two, but we learned that we needed to plan our daily activities down to every detail. So our first day in Tianjin was spent sitting in Starbucks on their free wireless planning out everything for the following week. We planned each train we would take, when we would buy tickets for the trains, where we would stay, what we would do, and everything else. Starbucks was home away from home and it was just what we needed to escape for a day to re-analyse our plans.
Tianjin is currently a growing port city. This in China means, buildings are vacant for demolition and a highway is displacing probably hundreds of people. There are dozens of new buildings on the rise, all empty waiting to be finished and tenants to move in, however they're much too expensive for most citizens. At night, the large city is dark due to a power shortage and no work occurs in the day. We have no idea how the buildings will get built and the highway will appear.
Our main reason to be in Tianjin was to visit the 6th tallest tower in the world, so on our second day, we took the city bus to the tower. We enjoyed tea in the revolving lounge area overlooking the city's clouds and smog, not much to see. The tower is only 15 years old yet it's so dirty and uncared for that it appears to be hundreds. Next we ventured to Jiefang Beilu Street which is lined with historical buildings from the early 1900s. This area used to be filled with foreigners, mostly Europeans, and the architecture left behind is a treasure to Tianjin.
The train wasn't as bad as we had assumed, it was however overcrowded. First they sell tickets to fill the seats and then they sell standing room only tickets so the aisles are full of people too. There is barely any room for luggage. The food carts often have troubles getting down the aisles. At least the seats aren't actually "hard" as such, just not quite as padded. On a long voyage, they become hard... At least there was a nice young guy next to us who spoke some English. He was able to help us know when to get off. We arrived at Taishan Station in Tai'an shortly after 7pm. There were no hostels in Tai'an, and our intended hotel was supposedly vacant enough not to take a reservation. We hopped in a taxi to take us there, giving him the chinese characters of the name of the hotel, but obviously we weren't quite prepared enough. He managed to take us to another hotel without us realizing it... It turned out to be fine, but we were still deceived...
We realized that we were in the wrong hotel the following morning when we set out to find an ATM and realized the street names were incorrect on the map we had. We found our way though and eventually made it to the central trailhead to ascend Mount Tai (Tai Shan).
Our next train was a little more trying, being that it was NINE hours on a congested train, again on hardseats. You can only read and listen to your Ipod so long... And sleeping was not exactly a comfortable option.
Today, we arrived in Xi'an. We were finally able to buy softseats for this 5-hour ride, which was quite enjoyable. First off, it was a double-decker car. The seats were more padded, there was much more room, and there were many less people. Arriving in Xi'an mid afternoon also allowed us to spend a bit of time on the internet to continue planning our trip and sending some emails. Looking forward to seeing the famed Terra Cotta Warriors and to clammer up Hua Shan over the next couple of days.
Tianjin Pics | Tai'an & Taishan Pics | Luoyang & Longmen Caves Pics